Located at 404 First St. in Yelm, Northwest Barber Lounge aims to create a fun and friendly environment with personable and friendly barbers.
After Northwest Barber Lounge opened its doors on Jan. 9, Daniel Carrasco, owner of Northwest Barber Lounge, said the community reception to the barbershop has been great. He didn’t expect the shop to take off as fast as it did, but said he’s thankful for the community showing its support.
“It’s been quite the experience and journey. We didn’t think we’d be where we’re at now in this little time,” Carrasco said. “We try to cater to the people. I’m a community person, and I tried to create a nice environment where people can come in and relax while receiving quality haircuts. We’re here for the people.”
Upon entering Northwest Barber Lounge, customers might see the shop’s three barbers conversing with their customers to build relationships with their clients. The shop also features a pool table for waiting customers, as well as a flat-screen television showing movies or sporting events. Those touches were done intentionally to create a welcoming, relaxing and friendly environment for clients, Carrasco said.
Carrasco said the shop offers a variety of services, including fades or tapers, trims, beard trims, children’s haircuts, lineups, hot towel services with essential oils and more. He added that appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are also welcome.
“What stands out about the barber shop is we’re working in our home town,” Carrasco said. “We’re all about the people here. We do a lot of services that other barber shops don’t do and at a competitive price. We’re here for the people.”
Carrasco, who began cutting hair in 2016, said he has been inspired as a barber by seeing the smiles on his customer’s faces after they see their new haircut.
“I was always picky about my haircuts growing up, so I jumped in and said I was going to give it all I got,” Carrasco said. “It’s nice seeing the reactions and people’s faces when I’m able to do a nice job, and it makes me feel great, too.”
He added that the shop is looking to hire a fourth barber to the staff due to the amount of customers Northwest Barber Lounge has seen.
Kali Tatu, a barber at the lounge, said the barbers aren’t “chasing numbers” but just want to be there for their customers. She added that barbers chasing numbers can ruin everything about their industry.
“The three of us are really chill and very personable,” Tatu said. “We’re not here for anything other than our clients. We’re just here for you guys. We’re here to make you feel good and keep you coming back.”
Manny Diaz, a barber at the shop, added working there has been a good experience since opening in January. Like his coworkers, Diaz said he’s all about making sure his customer leaves happy and with a clean haircut.
Northwest Barber Lounge is open from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
People can book an appointment at https://booksy.com/en-us/981415_north-west-barber-lounge-2_barber-shop_39475_yelm?do=invite#ba_s=dl_1.