Hi, my name is Heidi, and I am on the Yelm Creative District Task Force. We are working to have Yelm become a Washington State Certified Creative District which has the potential to bring in grant money, strengthen our local economy, and further develop our community around a core of arts and cultural activities.
The only thing is the eight of us on the task force cannot invent what Yelm needs. We need to hear from our residents so we can actually learn what our community needs are on a creative level.
As such, you are invited to participate in our Yelm Survey online at www.tinyurl.com/yelmcreative.
Your input will help us to make this a viable program in Yelm.
For more information, search Creative Districts Program Overview – ArtsWA.
Heidi A. Haslinger Corl,
Yelm Creative District
Task Force