Coverdale Drops Lawsuits Against JZ Knight, JZK, Inc.; Doesn’t Have Enough Money to Keep Fighting

Posted 1/28/16


A lawsuit against a multimillion-dollar corporation is always difficult. It is very expensive to conduct depositions and it is very taxing on friends and relatives who are attacked and …

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Coverdale Drops Lawsuits Against JZ Knight, JZK, Inc.; Doesn’t Have Enough Money to Keep Fighting



A lawsuit against a multimillion-dollar corporation is always difficult. It is very expensive to conduct depositions and it is very taxing on friends and relatives who are attacked and subpoenaed to help pressure the plaintiff into dismissing the case.

Although we have a mountain of evidence against this organization proving dangerous and illegal activity, the toll it would take on witnesses and the sheer amount of money required for depositions and such, has made it basically impossible to continue with my lawsuit against JZ Knight and JZK, Inc. When you stand up to duplicitous corporations, and their political friends who protect them, it is always an uphill battle. I knew this going in but was determined to do all I could do and go as far as possible. I was not the one who started with the public attacks nor the lawsuits, but I didn’t cower. I fought back hard, and I am proud of myself.

While my attorneys in the case against me will continue on and ask the State Supreme Court to weigh in, I would very much like to get back to my life. Having to be involved every day with such filth and corruption as JZK, Inc., it can take a toll. At this point I would prefer to focus on the beauty in the world and my wonderful family than spend any more time in that sphere. Our appeal may be accepted or rejected. Either way I am moving on.

I did the right thing. I exposed some of what was going on at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and if I had the finances could have exposed much more in my suit against JZ. I have no doubt that over the next few years more and more will come out on its own. What was exposed through these proceedings has helped get many people out of the cult and back to healthy, productive lives. For that reason alone it was all worth it.

I am not bitter about the experience. We can only do what we think is right and the consequences are irrelevant. I do not walk away empty handed. I learned a lot about myself and about what real love and friendship means and find myself so much richer spiritually from the experience.

Of course I could have not lasted this long without my attorneys past and present; Sean Newman, Breckan Scott, Anthony Gipe and Stephen Pidgeon, who also thought what I did was right and rallied behind me. I so appreciate all they have done.

My friends who woke up to the fraud of RSE, and the people who came from the outside to help and support me, have left me truly humble. I wish to thank everyone who in large ways and small ways had my back through these trying few years. I feel truly blessed.

Virginia Coverdale
