In preparation of the long-awaited Yelm Loop project coming to fruition in the near future, the City of Yelm has secured $2 million in grant funding to fully fund the upcoming Rhoton Road reconstruction project.
In July 2024, Yelm’s Public Works Director Cody Colt presented two grants to Yelm city councilors that neared $850,000 for the upcoming project, including a $745,450 Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and a $104,550 Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant. The city recently secured the remainder of the funding needed for the project.
“One of the biggest things with the Yelm Loop finishing, Rhoton Road will become the main artery of how people get into downtown,” Colt said on Monday, Jan. 13. “As you know, people come off right now at Cullens Road when they come through the loop or bypass. They’ll take Rhoton Road now because it’ll be much quicker, so it needs to be upgraded before the Yelm Loop is finished. It’ll be a main route for trucks.”
Colt added that the reconstruction of Rhoton Road should be completed prior to or near the opening of the Yelm Loop.
“We’re going to take the contract to council next month for the design phase. That phase will take roughly nine months,” Colt said. “After the design phase, we’ll be able to take the project for bid. We’re hoping to do that later this year or early 2026, depending on the timing.”
Colt added that the project will likely be done over the course of summer 2026, with it launching in March or April and concluding in August or September of next year. In addition to a full reconstruction of Rhoton Road, the project will add sidewalks and a shared-use path to connect to the nearby Prairie Line Trail and the Loop Trail. Colt anticipates this creating a pedestrian pathway for those increasing their step count, runners, cyclists and dog-walkers to enjoy.
“We’re not only upgrading the infrastructure for vehicles, we’re now upgrading the infrastructure to allow pedestrians to travel safely,” Colt said.
During a Yelm City Council meeting in October, City of Yelm project manager Patrick Hughes reported to council that Rhoton Road will be reconstructed after the Yelm Loop and Five Corners roundabout projects begin. He said the Rhoton Road reconstruction project will completely revamp the road to accommodate an anticipated increase of traffic on it once the long-awaited Yelm Loop project is completed.
Hughes said the project will be about a mile in length and include widening the road to 10-foot lanes with curb and gutter. He added the project would add a sidewalk along the west side of Rhoton Road along with an 8-foot-wide shared-use path on its east side.